
Registration Process to Access the Members' Area of the Website

If your organisation is already a member of the LMA, you can register yourself as a "User" of the LMA website. This will enable you to access the members' only pages of the website to view LMA documents, publications, regulatory submissions, legal and regulatory news, and other tools. This will also permit you to register for LMA events.

When registering, you can also sign-up to receive email alerts from the LMA. You can change your email preferences at any time by logging into the LMA website and clicking "Personal Profile" above the top navigational bar. You can also unsubscribe from all LMA alerts by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email.

If your organisation is not a member of the LMA and is interested in applying for LMA membership, please go to Join the LMA.

Your Details
First Name(s)
Job Title
Direct Phone
Email Address This e-mail will also be your login username.
Creating a password
Your password must be at least 8 characters and contain at least one number and one capital letter. The only special characters that we accept are ! @ # $ % ^ & *
Confirm Password
Please tick this box to confirm that you consent to the transfer of your data outside of the UK and EEA.
Please tick checkbox to agree to terms & conditions.